With our practice-oriented business and opinion education programmes, our non-profit organisation invests in the youth and thus in our future. Students are encouraged to experience hands-on education to acquire skills that are relevant to their personal and professional future.
Our Story
The Company Programme started in 1999 with twelve mini-enterprises. Four years later, the first volunteer assignments took place and since 2018, Youth Debate is part of the YES programme portfolio.
YES increases the innovative power and competitiveness of Switzerland through entrepreneurial education in partnership with economy, schools and the state.
Students obtain:
- Practical experience as an addition to the syllabus
- Conscious promotion of key qualifications
- Guideline for career choice
- Personality development support
YES is organised as an association. Further information can be found in our statutes.
The board as well as several advisory councils actively support YES, working hand-in-hand with the team.

Corporate Advisory Council
- Geri Aebi - Creative Business Consultant
- Mélanie Binggeli – STARTUP CAMPUS
- Stephan Campi - Kanton Aargau
- Thomas Hirt - AdEx Partners
- Jonas Lang - Swissmem
- Mario Ramò - die Mobiliar
- Nicole Schär – Société Générale
Education Advisory Council
- Cyrill Engeli – Alte Kantonsschule Aarau
- Daniel Gebauer - Dachverband Lehrerinnen und Lehrer Schweiz (LCH)
- Lilo Lätzsch - Sek I, Zürich
- David Rey - SER
YES Alumni Council
- Sara Meister
- Jannis Brombacher
- Zoé Villard
- Andras Viranyi
- Robin Schellenberg
- Tabea Christ
- Açelya Göksu
- Henriette Haefeli
- Kajsa Lilly
- Jonas Lüthy
- Thomas Schneiter
- Paloma Spiess

In total, we work in over 31'000 schools, with the help of more than 116'600 teachers and 164'300 business volunteers to empower 3'454'750 students across 40 countries.JA Europe